Bodybuilding Workout Plans To Build Muscle

If you want to find out about bodybuilding workout plans to build muscle, you have come to the right place. I will show you where to get loads of free workouts at the end of the article and how to properly use them.
I want to quickly congratulate you for coming online and researching workout plans to build muscle. This is a very smart thing to do and a great first step to getting better results.
There are vast amounts of workout plans to build muscle, almost too many to mention. However, each and every workout must have a few essential elements worked into them. If they do not have these, they will not work and you will not be putting on a gun show any time soon.
Let's start with the most important rule.
Bodybuilding Workout Plans To Build Muscle: Rule 1
Every bodybuilding workout routine must have a progressive overload built into it. This means that every week you must be lifting more weight, or doing more reps with the same weight. This is because your body adapts to your weight lifting. If you keep lifting the same weight and reps every week, your body has no need to grow because it has already adapted to what you are doing.
Therefore increase the work you do each week and force your muscles to grow.
Bodybuilding Workout Plans To Build Muscle: Rule 2
Make sure you work your entire body (especially the legs). I know some people only want bigger arms, chest or whatever else. And talking about muscle imbalances and injuries can be boring to read about. Putting this aside: If you do not work your entire body you are leaving a lot of muscle gains on the table.
Your body works better when you work all of it. You also elevate your natural testosterone levels when you work the largest muscles. In a nutshell: working the whole body, gets better results. This is a crucial point for natural trainees.
Bodybuilding Workout Plans To Build Muscle: Rule 3
Variety is the spice of life. This is true for muscle building as well. I have touched on this slightly before, about the fact that your body adapts to your workouts. This runs true for any training you do (which is why it feels easier after a while).
The problem with this is that when your body adapts to your training, it is not as effective as it once was. Therefore changing your workouts from time to time stops this adaptation and ensures. constant progress.
On this note I have collection of bodybuilding workout plans to build muscle. These have all the rules above designed into them and some more.

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