Do Steroids Truly Increase Your Size And

Do Steroids Truly Increase Your Size And Strength
Steroids do increase size and strength. In fact, they do so very significantly. In addition to gains in strength and muscle mass they also seem to provide you with more energy and aggressiveness, things that are conducive to good workouts (but not so in interpersonal relationships). Depending on the steroid used, you may also get cell voluminizing effects that promote a bigger pump. Aside from even just the legal risks of steroids, the “good side” comes at a high price. Even though steroids can certainly assist you in breaking past your natural genetic boundaries, they can’t change your genetics. No amount of drugs will make you look like Ronnie Coleman unless you were conceived of his daddy’s super sperm and his mama’s exceptional egg.
Steroids are not the magical substance that some people make them up to be. Training, diet and rest is what will get you the body that you want. I’ve seen people that are on steroids and train badly, do not diet and hardly rest, and as a result, are still small. Don’t expect to take steroids and look like a champion bodybuilder in two weeks because it will not happen.
Steroid Users Risk:
1) Increased Liver Function
2) Depression of Natural Testosterone Production.
3) Increase in Cholesterol Levels and Blood Pressure (Not conductive to good cardiovascular health).
4) Altered Thyroid Function.
5) Headaches.
6) Nose bleeds.
7) Cramps.
8) Development of breast like tissue in men (Gynecomastia).
9) Insulin Insensitivity (Even though Deca Durabolin improves the insulin metabolism).
10) Androgenic Side effects such as thinning hair, enlarged prostate, oily skin, water retention, increased body hair, aggressiveness.
11) Stunted growth if you are a teenager.
12) Oral Steroid specific side effects: In addition to the above, the orals also tend to cause nausea, diarrhea, constipation, and vomiting.
13) May accelerate the growth of tumors.
if you do choose to take this path, make sure you do your research and educate yourself first and know the risks before plunging into it so you may reduce the risks as much as possible.
Teenagers especially should not even think about the use of these drugs as teens already have their testosterone levels at a high level.Alot of complex processes occur on a teen’s body that we yet do not even understand so introducing these drugs at this age would interrupt these processes, in addition to killing the best natural production of testosterone that you will ever get. My message to teens is: Eat big, train big and you will get big. These are the best years for good natural growth so do not waste or jeopardize them.

Having said all of the above here is where I will put my two cents worth (here comes the subjective part of this article). I am not going to say: “If you touch these drugs you will die for certain” as by now you should know better. And besides, for your information, there are drugs that are prescribed on a daily basis far more dangerous than steroids, in my opinion. However, keep in mind that unless you are using them under medical supervision for HRT purposes, or for any other medical purpose that your Doctor sees fit, then you are breaking the law and you are exposing yourself to whatever you got from the black market and to possible legal issues.
I don’t intend to sound mean, but the truth is that most people do not even have the expertise to self administer these powerful agents, and thus, end up risking their health and making those around them miserable. When hormones are introduced into the body certain chemical reactions begin to occur, and if the subject does not have an extremely thorough understanding of what is happenning inside the body, then he/she is just playing with fire. At best, you get big for a few weeks, assuming that training, diet and rest are in order, but then it goes away; so what is the use? Besides, is it worth risking jail in order to gain a few pounds of muscle? Also, if you get the drugs from the black market, how can you be assured that the quality is good? How will you know that what you are putting into your body is steroids at all? How can you be sure that if you are using an injection steroid you will be able to always inject it correctly and without causing either an infection on the site or pinching a nerve perhaps? These are all things that you should think about if there ever comes a time when you are tempted to use the drugs.
I’m intensely driven to consistently train to my utmost abilities, using the heaviest weights possible in good form, and never settling for anything less than total annihilation of a bodypart. Being self-employed, I also have the opportunity to train and eat whenever I please, even taking the occasional afternoon nap if I so desire. I never miss meals, and use virtually every type of legal supplement available as well. I make sure I get plenty of sleep and avoid stress. Finally, I read every book, magazine, and Web site available to gain as much information about training and nutrition as I can. In other words, I do everything possible to optimize the perfect environment for muscle growth. You may not be willing or able to duplicate this tunnel-vision lifestyle so you may choose steroids for bodybuilding and it will make a dramatic difference in your results. But steroids do not build muscle on their own. Without proper training and eating, your results will certainly be compromised.
Building the body is a lifetime commitment that has to be practiced eagerly day in and day out with the utmost persistence. There are no shortcuts to a championship body; not even steroids I’m afraid. Only hard work combined with a smart training and nutrition system will take you where you want to go.
And if you have a personal success story of how you turned your life around through bodybuilding or if you want to bring a change to your lifestyle, then please feel free to post your queries on my blog
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