Nuts for bodybuilders                                                                                                                                   Among the best food for bodybuilders we find the nuts. These are not necessarily used as a particular food, but a  peck. Usually, you can observe many groups of bodybuilders armed with a bag of nuts to begin training or even in the middle of training.

Proportioning is considered a source of energy, really effective and that is why some use of it just before starting your weights session. Nuts contain less than 50% water and therefore are called nuts. So despite its carbohydrate content are not the worst foods you can take.
Moreover, it is strange to hear a lot of doctor talk about their great contributions to the heart. Containing vitamin E related antioxidants. In addition, contain vitamin B as well as phosphorus and magnesium; make them the ideal food for those vegetarians who want to do without meat. It is not your case.
Other major contributions are selenium and zinc, which help to increase the amount of production of sperm and testosterone in general; it will help your training. Within nuts, almonds, Brazil nuts and hazelnuts are the richest in calcium, which can help in strengthening the bones in the process of decalcification.
Not only to train energy intake is the main benefit that interest us, but also the amount of fiber, helps rapid transit of food, helping you lose weight. It is further stated that delays absorption of sugar, which allows energy and have longer without it being converted to fat.

Perhaps that is the reason why it is not strange to see, not only to bodybuilders, but also athletes from aerobic activities which use the nuts to improve their performance. In short, a basic element of a quality sports nutrition are nuts in any of its variants. Just it is a handful to begin training         
Nuts can also be a good source of fiber, essential oils and vitamins (especially Vitamin E). Almonds, Brazil nuts, cashews and hazelnuts contain high levels of magnesium. Brazil nuts are high in selenium. Selenium can help to prevent your arteries from hardening, main young looking skin and regulate your thyroid gland which assists in weight management.
If you are allergic to nuts or don’t like the taste, you can take selenium supplements. Be sure to check with your doctor first before taking selenium supplements because too much selenium can have negative health effects on your body. Selenium is primarily found in oats and brown rice. It is also found in poultry, seafood and meats.
There are many different kinds of nuts for bodybuilding nutrition to choose from: almonds, Brazil nuts, cashews, chestnuts, coconuts, hazelnuts, macadamias, peanuts, pecans, pine nuts, pistachios and walnuts. All of these nuts may not be ideal for a bodybuilder. The three nuts we recommend for bodybuilders are almonds, cashews and walnuts.
Almonds may possibly be the best nut to help your heart by lowering cholesterol. 70% of the fat in almonds is monosaturated, which helps to clear out your arteries. The calcium in almonds helps to strengthen your bones and teeth. Additionally, almonds are full of antioxidants. Antioxidants protect your body from developing cancer by “fighting” cell destruction within your body.
Cashews provide copper, iron, magnesium and phosphorous. They are full of proanthocyanidins, which stop the division of cancerous cells and helps prevent tumor growth. They also help to reduce the risk of colon cancer. The magnesium in cashews helps to promote bone health, decrease migraine frequency and prevent heart attacks. The copper and iron help to maintain body health. The phosphorous operates similarly to that of calcium by strengthening bones and teeth.
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