Starting on weight training, but don't know how to? Note these 2 "hard and fast" rules for muscle building to begin with:
- Don't weight train more than 4 times a week, and not more than 75 minutes per session. Otherwise, you're categorically "overtraining" and overexerting your muscles. Thus, your packs of flesh wear and tear more rapidly and cannot recover between your workouts.
- Eat sufficient proteins- ideally 20 gms per meal or at least 1gm of protein for every pound of your body weight everyday- both on your training and rest days.
Following these nitty- gritties of bodybuilding are the boosters- supplements. You're bodybuilding, and you can't take your "feel good-look awesome" agenda haphazardly. Take the best bodybuilding supplements. No worries about stretching your budget and breaking your pocket, though, because even the best bodybuilding supplements can be bought at amazing discounts. What should you look for in muscle building supplements?
- Whey protein supplements before and after your workouts- because it is a fast digesting protein source, whey protein provides ample amino acids for enhanced physiological processes during your workouts. Thus, you have stronger trainings and faster muscle- building. Take whey protein supplements to augment your whole food diet. Pre workout and post workout whey protein shakes do the trick. The exact measure is ¼ gm of protein per pound of your body weight. So if you're a 200 pounder, you can take 50 gms of whey protein before your training, and another 50 gms after.
- Fast- digesting carbs for post- workout supplement- don't overemphasize proteins at the expense of carbs because carbs fuel muscle growth, consequently supporting recovery. Take carb supplements congruent to your protein intake. 100gms of carbs should be split evenly before and after workouts if you're a 200 pounder, for example. Support your whole food carb intake from whole grain breads and pastas and slow digesting carbs yam and oatmeal with carb supplements.
- Creating for stronger workouts- have your nutrition in good shape, and that's when creatine can work its magic. That's why protein and carbs come first. As an amino acid compound, creatine increases ATP production making you lift heavier weights and complete more reps. The effects are more noticeable on your initial intake. Taking creatine after workouts promotes better delivery of nutrients to your muscles, mainly because muscles become more permeable after exercise. The recommended dose is a total of 10 gms of creatine per day, or specifically 3- 5 gms before and after workouts.
- Vitamin C for faster muscle growth and recovery- as an antioxidant, vitamin C neutralizes the damage caused my free- radicals in your body. These highly- reactive molecules reproduce when you workout. Vitamin C also enhances energy, potentially beneficial for hard- trainers and sedentaries. For starters, take 500- 1,000 mgs of vitamin C once or twice a day, gradually increasing your intake by 500 mgs each day in the succeeding weeks until you reach 2000 to 4000 mg dosage of vitamin C per day, in 2- 4 doses of 500- 1000 per intake
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