I'm going to share with you the top 5 female bodybuilding mistakes that should be avoided at all costs. This is a very challenging sport for most people. It's not something which involves you going to the gym and then that's it, it's a battle that lasts every hour of everyday. You have to be on top of your game at all times to be successful. It's not necessarily the tasks you're required to do are hard, it's following them day after day, no matter what. I'm going to show you what mistakes are very common, that you should do.
Mistake 1: Isolated Exercises Get Priority
I don't know what it is about isolated exercises, but people seem to think they're effective. These are the exercises that focus in on one muscle, like bicep curls. Overall, these don't create enough stress and rarely lead to any muscle gains. The key is to put priority to the compound exercises because they'll yield much better results.
Mistake 2: Not Eating Often Enough
A lot of people don't want to change the timing of their diet. They'd rather stick with three meals a day or the dreaded 2 meals a day (breakfast skipped). Your body repairs muscle tissue over time, so it needs nutrients consistently. That means you should eat every few hours.
Mistake 3: Not Enough Sleep
You can't bodybuild on 5-6hrs a night. It just doesn't cut it. You have to get at least 8-9hrs a night because this is the biggest time for muscle repairs.
Mistake 4: Avoiding Fat
Society has made us believe that eating fat is bad. People think that there is a direct correlation between dietary fat and your body fat. This is totally false. By eating fat, you can increase your metabolism and end up burning more calories than you consume from the fat. Not to mention it plays a vital role in hormone production and other important body functions.
Mistake 5: Not Eating in the Evening
You should be eating in the evening because you need to have nutrients to repair muscle over your long sleep. The key is to eat a high fat, high protein combination of food. This way, the fat slows down the digestive process and you'll get protein throughout the night.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/1393858
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